Outdoor bar stools are becoming very popular. Outdoor bistro sets are fast becoming a very common sight. These bistro sets have been commonly found on restaurant patios for at least 10 years but they are now also being sold as backyard furniture.
You can pick up outdoor bar stools for your deck or patio add a continental feel to your backyard. A nice set of outdoor bar stools and a bistro table looks fabulous at the side of a swimming pool. It really makes you feel like you are on a tropical vacation every time you step into your backyard.
Metal bar stools and bistro sets seem to be the most common. Generally, these are made from cast aluminum which makes them a bit less durable than those made from cast iron. Of course, cast iron bar stools are considerably more expensive than those made from aluminum. The exotic outdoor bar and bar stools set pictured above is made out of a resin wicker. The bar has coasters and can be folded into a square bar height table. This entire set and other complimentary pieces can be found at Canadian Tire.
You can pick up these outdoor bar or bistro sets in a number of different locations. A quick internet search will give you an idea of what is available in your area. To protect your out door bar stools you should also consider picking up some outdoor furniture covers. Although the covers are an added expense, proper protection of your outdoor furniture is very important. Proper outdoor furniture covers are particularly important if you live in areas of extreme weather ie. lots of snow or lots of sun and salt.
Consider adding outdoor bar stools (either with a bistro table or a bar) to your outdoor furniture scheme.
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